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Quick facts - promamec - morocco
  • Business Activity:

    Medical equipments

  • Number of employees:



promamec - morocco

Founded in 1981 by Mr. Adbelilah LAHLOU, Promamec is a company specialized in the production and marketing of medical devices, equipment and consumables, for the public and private sectors.


  1. PROMAMEC ensures the well being of its employees by ensuring regular and diverse activities such as football tournaments, team building actons, the creation of a refreshment bar and a pool table on site
  2. PROMAMEC is a corporate citizen, it encourages actions and associative approaches in organizing outings to orphanages, retirement homes and supporting student associations
  3. The company wants to be committed to sustainable development by building a bridge for the inhabitants of the region, creating a green space and establishing agreements with schools, initiatives of respect of the environment are maintained and encouraged by COST KILING actions aimed at reducing the consumption of water, paper and energy
My Manager
Annual team building organization with workshops to strengthen team spirit and cohesion of employees


  1. The company offers flexibility in the timing and schedules
  2. User-friendliness is one of the components of the workplace atmosphere
  3. Establishment of an innovative talent management system
  4. Transparent recruitment policy offering the opportunity to grow
  5. Support and partnership with several associations
My Manager
Annual team building organization with workshops to strengthen team spirit and cohesion of employees

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