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Qarnot Computing

About the company

Qarnot is a french company, incorporated in 2010, providing its clients with a unique solution to drastically reduce their carbon footprint linked to their digital activities.

Life at company


Lister Ranking position
Best Places to Work in Europe 2023 #18
Best Places to Work in France 2023 #3

Certification details

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

If I had the opportunity, I would recommend the products and / or services of this company to prospective clients
The balance between my professional obligations and my personal responsibilities suits me
My colleagues demonstrate integrity and ethics at all times
My colleagues respect my ideas and feelings
This organization seeks to minimize the impact of its activities, products and services on the environment

Companies like yours are getting the Best Place to Work certification.
Would you like to explore it further? Arrange a call with our team !

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