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About the company

Foodics, an end-to-end cloud-based point of sale & restaurant management solution that gives business owners a holistic overview of their company and its operations.

Life at company


Lister Ranking position
Best Places to Work in Middle East 2021 #10
Best Places to Work in Egypt 2021 #2

Certification details

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

In terms of growth opportunities, do you think there are equal chances between women and men ?
My colleagues respect my ideas and feelings
The leaders of our organization communicate what the organization needs to do to succeed
The leaders of our organization communicate openly and frankly
The leaders of our organization treat employees as one of the organization's most valuable assets

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

In terms of growth opportunities, do you think there are equal chances between women and men ?
My manager understands what I do to be able to evaluate my performance
I do my part to meet or exceed the expectations of our internal / external clients
If I had the opportunity, I would recommend the products and / or services of this company to prospective clients
I do my part to constantly improve our ways of working

Quotes from employees

Not long ago we were a team of 3 members, today we are over 250 and growing. Foodics would not be the company it is today without the team, clients, board members, investors, and advisors. We get overwhelmed with satisfaction whenever we hear a story about how Foodics has helped someone open their dream restaurant or add another branch. Each idea is a byproduct of the team’s efforts and a vision collectively set on restaurants’ growth.
Ahmad Alzaini
Ahmad Alzaini

Chief Executive Officer

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

In terms of growth opportunities, do you think there are equal chances between women and men ?
If I had the opportunity, I would recommend the products and / or services of this company to prospective clients
Individual differences (gender, ethnicity, color, religion, age, disability, origin, family ties, etc.) do not affect the way people are treated here
I do my part to meet or exceed the expectations of our internal / external clients
My manager demonstrates integrity and ethics at all times

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

In terms of growth opportunities, do you think there are equal chances between women and men ?
I do my part to meet or exceed the expectations of our internal / external clients
For similar jobs, with equal qualification and experience, do you think there is a gap between men and women wages ?
My manager takes steps to support my health and well-being where appropriate
My manager demonstrates integrity and ethics at all times

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

I would recommend this company to a friend looking for a job
I consider this company to be one of the best employers for someone with my skills and experience
If I had the opportunity, I would recommend the products and / or services of this company to prospective clients
The reputation of the company helps to attract the best candidates
Bonuses are offered consistently across the organization

Companies like yours are getting the Best Place to Work certification.
Would you like to explore it further? Arrange a call with our team !

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Formulaire de candidature
