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Profil des entreprises certifiées

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About the company

Zoetis is a global animal health company dedicated to supporting customers and their businesses in ever better ways.

Life at company


Lister Ranking position
Best Places to Work in Egypt 2022 #4
Best Places to Work in Middle East 2022 #13
Best Places to Work in Africa 2022 #18

Certification details

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

In terms of growth opportunities, do you think there are equal chances between women and men ?
For similar jobs, with equal qualification and experience, do you think there is a gap between men and women wages ?
I do my part to meet or exceed the expectations of our internal / external clients
If I had the opportunity, I would recommend the products and / or services of this company to prospective clients
Health and safety at work is a priority for this organization

Companies like yours are getting the Best Place to Work certification.
Would you like to explore it further? Arrange a call with our team !

Contact us

Formulaire de candidature
