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Zitouna Takaful

About the company

Banque Zitouna is the first Islamic bank in Tunisia and the Maghreb region (North Africa) with the capital of $30 million, aiming at developing Islamic loan and saving products for businesses and individuals.[1] Banque Zitouna was established in 2009 by the Tunisian businessman, Mohamed Sakher El Materi, Chairman of Princesse El Materi Holdings. The Islamic Bank of Zitouna plans to grow by 20 branches per year and hopes to expand from Tunisia into neighbouring countries.

Life at company


Lister Ranking position
Best Places to Work in Tunisia 2022 #2
Best Places to Work in Africa 2022 #14

Certification details

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

For similar jobs, with equal qualification and experience, do you think there is a gap between men and women wages ?
In terms of growth opportunities, do you think there are equal chances between women and men ?
I do my part to meet or exceed the expectations of our internal / external clients
If I had the opportunity, I would recommend the products and / or services of this company to prospective clients
My work corresponds well to my skills and experience

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