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About the company

The main activity of the company is transportation, filling and marketing LPG, which consists of both butane and propane gases or butane or propane separately. The company activity also include marketing cylinders, related spare parts and The activity also includes all uses of gases e.g. residential, industrial, agricultural, or commercial purposes.

Life at company


Lister Ranking position
Best Places to Work in Saudi Arabia 2022 #2
Best Places to Work in Middle East 2022 #4

Certification details

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

In terms of growth opportunities, do you think there are equal chances between women and men ?
My manager demonstrates integrity and ethics at all times
I do my part to meet or exceed the expectations of our internal / external clients
Health and safety at work is a priority for this organization
I do my part to constantly improve our ways of working

Quotes from employees

We are very excited to announce that GASCO has achieved the “Best Place to Work 2022” certification. Achieving this certification is testimony that GASCO management is continuously striving to provide an environment and building a culture which enables our employees to be at their very best. This is not a goal but it is a journey and with the continuous support from our employees, GASCO will achieve the new heights in years to come. We strongly believe that for GASCO “the best is yet to come”.
Ibrahim Al-Otaieq
Ibrahim Al-Otaieq

Human Capital

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