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Alkhorayef Group

About the company

Alkhorayef Group was founded in 1957 by the late Abdullah Ibrahim Alkhorayef, who was quite ambitious and daring. By virtue of his dedication, the group made its name in Saudi Arabia’s agriculture sector. He soon represented reputable international producers of water pumps, agricultural, irrigation and well drilling equipment in the Kingdom.

Life at company


Lister Ranking position
Best Places to Work in Saudi Arabia 2022 #12
Best Places to Work in Middle East 2022 #18

Certification details

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

My manager demonstrates integrity and ethics at all times
My manager takes steps to support my health and well-being where appropriate
My manager works with me to find ways to develop and thrive in my work
My manager regularly gives me feedback, which helps me improve my performance
My manager understands what I do to be able to evaluate my performance

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