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Amar Bank

About the company

Beginning its journey on 15 March 1991 in Surabaya as PT Anglomas International Bank (Amin Bank), Amar Bank was acquired by the Tolaram Group in 2014. Technological developments have enabled Amar Bank to continue to innovate and improve banking services digitally.

Life at company

Certification details

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

In terms of opportunities for development, do you think there is equal opportunities between women and men ?
For similar jobs, with equal qualification and experience, do you think there is a gap between men and women wages ?
Individual differences (gender, ethnicity, color, religion, age, disability, origin, family ties, etc.) do not affect the way people are treated here
The leaders of our organization clearly convey the organization's future vision
It is nice to work in this company

Companies like yours are getting the Best Place to Work certification.
Would you like to explore it further? Arrange a call with our team !

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