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<span>What trends will 2023 bring for HR in Middle East?</span>

What trends will 2023 bring for HR in Middle East?

  • Tue, March 21st, 2023 - 8:00AM (GMT+3)
  • 60 minutes

HR management has never been this pivotal. During the pandemic, HR managers in the middle east sat across C-suite executives as they strategised how to keep organisations running amidst great disruption. The workplace that has since emerged, characterised by hybrid working models, elevated health and safety concerns and new demands for better work-life balance. This has mandated HR professionals to make critical business continuity decisions daily while trying to maintain positive employee engagement procedures.

Recent data where more than half of employees in MENA have considered leaving their current jobs to find a better work-life balance at some point during the past year should give every business leader pause for thought. During the webinar, we will discuss employee retention and how it can help curb turnover rate, save money, and boost employee morale and productivity across the region

Ce que vous apprendre

  • Strategies around upskilling and reskilling are the new business enablers
  • How Millennials and Gen Z will define the workplace across the region
  • How HR platforms are becoming in demand


  • Hamza Idrissi Global Program Director

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