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Certified companies profile

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About the company

Nestlé Morocco is taking exceptional measures in the face of the current health crisis to ensure the safety and health of its employees and partners and the availability of products.

Life at company


List Ranking position
Best Places to Work in Africa 2022 #5

Certification details

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

For similar jobs, with equal qualification and experience, do you think there is a gap between men and women wages ?
In terms of growth opportunities, do you think there are equal chances between women and men ?
If I had the opportunity, I would recommend the products and / or services of this company to prospective clients
The leaders of our organization respect the labor law
My manager understands what I do to be able to evaluate my performance

Quotes from employees

Nous sommes extrêmement fiers d'être certifiés 'Best Place to Work', nous considérons cela comme la reconnaissance de tous nos efforts pour instaurer une forte culture d'Entreprise où l'Humain est notre priorité. Nous œuvrons au quotidien à offrir à nos collaborateurs un environnement de travail positif, où transparaissent nos valeurs de respect, d'intégrité et d'inclusion et nous sommes très satisfaits d'en voir aujourd'hui les résultats sur le niveau d'engagement des collaborateurs.

Head of Human Resources Nestlé

Overall employee experience score

Results overview

In terms of growth opportunities, do you think there are equal chances between women and men ?
Health and safety at work is a priority for this organization
My manager demonstrates integrity and ethics at all times
My colleagues demonstrate integrity and ethics at all times
My colleagues respect my ideas and feelings

Companies like yours are getting the Best Place to Work certification.
Would you like to explore it further? Arrange a call with our team !

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